Kilifi Kids


Some of you no doubt remember signing up to contribute to the Kilifi Kids program. 

The project is designed to leverage mobile health innovations and technologies to improve health outcomes for pregnant mothers, children (0-5 years old), and community members who require emergency medical assistance.  Our ultimate mission is to decrease child and mother mortality rates and promote economic development.  Our project will extend the work we have already initiated in previous grants (#72068 and #25081), both in terms of geographic reach (Makueni County) and breadth of services (emergency services).  Using mHealth technology, we hope to transform the way health is delivered to the rural poor in places like Kilifi, Kenya.

 Here's an update:

Dear Fellow Rotarians,


I am happy to announce that we have submitted our global grant for Kilifi Kids!  We far exceeded our goals and I cannot begin to express our gratitude for your support and leadership.  


To summarize, we have 22 Rotary clubs and 3 District (6900, 7680 in North Carolina, 9212 in Kenya) supporting our grant.  We expect to have approximately $91,000 available to us after matching.  We will be able to train 450 new community health workers in Kilifi (coastal Kenya), bringing our total to 850 staffers.  This will be the largest mHealth site of its kind in the world.  In addition, we were contacted three months ago by another Ministry of Health outside Nairobi (Makueni County) and are able to launch an entirely new site with the excess funds we raised and will train 50 hospital staffers.  


What this means is that we are helping to transform health for a potential pool of 237,552 women and children.  We are targeting pregnant mothers and children (immunizations and malnutrition).  We seek transform how health care is delivered to the rural poor.  


I have included the answers in our grant to give you more of the details of our proposed work.  I included a picture too that came from Kilifi this week showing a staffer helping our targeted mothers.  


We now await authorizations from District leadership.  Once done, it will be officially reviewed by Rotary International.  We will reach out to you on next steps when they come.  


Thank you again for all of your support!


Marc, Joanne, and Steve

Kilifi Kids