The meeting Friday, 7/25/2014 at the Rotary Club of Alpharetta featured economist Bruce Wing as the guest speaker.  Ted Schwartz updated the club on the fundraising status of the upcoming Mayor's Challenge event, and Joel Canada and Joe Yi discussed preparations for the Alpharetta Rotary float that will be participating in the Old Soldier's day parade.
Bruce Wing, shown above, gave an objective and sobering presentation on the U.S. debt and fiscal crisis that we are in.  His goal was to educate and try to get people involved in a constructive way.
Brian King is shown above.  Ted Schwartz recognized Brian for his outstanding results in signing sponsors for the Mayor's Challenge.
Kerry Singley (Sgt. at Arms) and Sam Gordon are shown above during Brag a Buck's.
Joel Canada discusses the upcoming Old Soldier's Day Parade.
Caught by the Camera: