
Well, last week’s meeting had one of those unforeseen mishaps where we discovered the audio amplifier was burned out.  We had a large crowd and no microphone.  It was an inconvenience but after all the complaining was over we looked to the crowd for some help and they complied by being very quiet so we could work through our announcements and our guest speaker was able to deliver his message.  We assessed the situation, came up with a plan and executed it.  If no microphone for one Rotary meeting is our biggest problem we really don’t have any problems. 
This week we will have three speakers who are going to tell you about people in our community that have real problems and a lot of those problems can be addressed and even overcome with the help from our local charitable organizations.  We have representatives from North Fulton Community Charities and Foster Care Support Foundation coming to speak to us this Friday.  Both organizations have amazing stories with some incredible people behind them making a difference in thousands of people's lives every year. 
Its only natural that we think about those in need during the holidays as we reflect on what we are thankful for but the reality is they have needs all year long.  So, continue to do the great things you are doing during the holidays with adopting a Christmas family, making donations to your circle of charities and your church and the other kind deeds you engage in, but let’s remember to think about these people throughout the rest of the year as well.  I am confident the people you will hear speak on Friday will help you do exactly that.
This Friday is our last meeting until we come back on January 3rd.  In case I don’t see you this Friday happy holidays and please be safe.