
Membership chairwoman Heather Demis asked the club members to write down a word that they feel describes Rotary and our club.  She received over 60 words that expressed members feelings about the club.  Words like fellowship, friendship, inclusive, social, life-changing to name just a few.  Its pretty cool that we can have 60 different words that all describe a part or a feeling of the club that we all belong to.


If we step back and really take a look at our club you will see a very unique but successful volunteer organization.  When you break down the requirements of each member on an annual basis you have to almost scratch your head and say how does this work? Each member is a volunteer who is required to pay roughly $1,500 a year for the privilege of volunteering.  You are also required to attend a meeting every single week and for most of us some sort of leadership role or committee member requiring no telling how many hours of meetings and then we actually go out several times a year and volunteer our time on different projects.  This has to rate in to the top five of “Things that make you go hmmm?”


I point this out not so you can second guess your decision but to compliment you on your decision.  There are no doubt cheaper places to volunteer your time and plenty of charities willing to cash your check while you sit on the couch.  I know we all feel the same way but I am going to point out how proud I am to be an active part of this organization and the good that comes out of our efforts.  It is fellowship, friendship, inclusive, social and life changing but I will add that its really pretty cool.


I hope to see as many of you as can make it tomorrow for the Sporting Clays Shoot.  There are still a few spots open if you want to come out for a fun shoot or if you want to come up for lunch and watch some of the shooting contact Randy Schiltz and he can arrange it for you.


Yours in Rotary Service,




“”Woman will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut and still think they are sexy”